Saturday, September 06, 2008

while it's still hot!

it seems like we've been so busy this summer that we kinda forgot about the, we thought we better go today cuz next month it might start cooling down a bit (i forgot what that feels like! :) we went over to laguna after lunch today to this new little beach area we've never been to (where the waves were really big)...i felt okay cuz we were right in front of the lifeguard station. but, seriously, like grown men were getting thrown to the ground. in fact, one time derek and i looked up (we were like 10 feet away from the girls) and a really big wave, probably about 5 feet tall was coming right for the girls (the waves were the kind where they don't get big and crash until they're ON the shore) & i seriously don't remember how i got there, but i got over to them just in time to grab leia's arm just as the wave slammed into her...kaia had managed to run out of the way right in the nick of time. anyways, no one got swept away and fun was had by all! :)

i had to take this pic, cuz kaia NEVER falls asleep in the car anymore...i guess i know what to do now if i want her to take a nap. just go to the beach! :)

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