all because of a crick in her neck...
kaia woke up this morning in agonizing pain, holding her neck, crying and complaining that her neck hurts and she can't move her head. so, i instantly just think that she slept on it wrong and got a "crick". then, derek (who should have been a dr.), starts to google what else it could be. he comes out of the office saying "babe, we need to take her to the sounds a lot like meningitis. okay, so i've heard the word meningitis & i was pretty sure that it's very serious, but i knew nothing about it. so, 5 hours...$40 in co-pay's...and, a blood test later...we find out that kaia probably just has a crick on her neck. now, don't get me wrong...i AM glad we took her in just for piece of mind...and, for a while there, the doctor was making me a little nervous. she said that before someone get starts with an upper respiratory infection (which she had this week), the person who has it can't look up or down (which she couldn't do), and they say that being lethargic is a symptom (i wouldn't say she was lethargic, but she was tired, prob. because she's still a little bit sick). we were seriously trying everything to get her to look up and down...even bribing her with candy wouldn't get her to do it. so, the doctor said she was concerned & was ready to admit her and do a spinal tap (needle into her back near her spinal chord to confirm if/if not she had meningitis) and start the i.v. antibiotics that would be a 20 day long thing! needless to say, i was starting to panic a little. so, anyways, we decided to just start with a blood test which wouldn't confirm anything for sure, but it would show us "markers" if there was anything a little off with her blood work. so, we did (and i have to say kaia was SO brave during the blood test) and they said to go get some lunch & come back in 1 hour to get the we did and when we got back, kaia was "like a new kid" (the dr.'s words). she could move her head a little more and her blood test results came back perfect. so...i have to say that even though i really didn't think it was anything serious, i feel relieved that we took her in and confirmed that she's okay. hopefully next week will be a bit healthier...this was her first week of school and she's already missed 2 days! i'm ready for a little less drama. wait, what am i thinking...we have 2 girls! i'm kidding. but, seriously...thank you Jesus that it's nothing serious. we love you sweet kaia.
Thank God it was not anything serious! We missed her today!!!
So glad it was just a crick..... hope shes fully recovered!
So glad it wasn't anything serious! CUTE lizard too!
Wow, glad she's okay!
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