Wednesday, May 28, 2008


i think most of you know that derek went through chemotherapy for Hodgkin's (Lymphoma) about 2 years ago. in case you didn't know that...he's been in remission since then and now they do an annual routine follow-up PET scan for the first 5 years of remission (i think). anyways, he had his scan last thursday and we knew that we were gonna find out the results sometime this week. keeping very busy while we wait helps a lot, so we decided to go down to san diego today to find stuff to do. before i get to that, i just want to say that we got his results tonight and it's clean. thank you Jesus, again. now that he's officially been in remission for 2 years, the chances of the cancer coming back is like a 5% chance. we're so thankful.
so, here are a lot (sorry) of pics from today...we stayed very busy. there were a couple of incidents that we weren't expecting happen...for example, a poor lady got locked in the bathroom at the beach and kaia and i came to her rescue (well, all we did was go get the lifeguard)...if we can shorten and combine the 3 videos i took of that event i'll post 'em. yes, i took video and took a picture of the lady after she was freed, very discreetly...i think.

of course we tried a new chipotle for vista. yummy as usual.
i love that the girls would rather go here to eat than some place like McDonalds!
then we found this great park by the beach...thanks dianne! :)

they loved this spinning ride...even though leia looked like a drunken sailor when she got off.

leia's very brave in the long as she has daddy's hand...
little miss independent...
look how little leia looks up in the air...
kaia's airborne...
they find lot of little treasures!

more spinning!
once again...we finished the day with some more pink perry. so good!
i have to say that this beach is another one to add to my favorite beach list...Moonlight Beach!


Jenn said...

Praise the Lord. I was wondering how that was going but I was almost too afraid to ask. He looks good I figured things were going well. Congrats! Here is to a whole life of healthy daddies! (Let's face it, life would suck without them!)


Jacinda said...

Oh, I am sure you and your family feel so much relief. I can't imagine how worried you must have been. Praise God! Great pictures at the beach. My favorites are the one of leia and Derek walking, and Kaia, and the huge smile on Leia's face. So cute!

Jacinda said...

hi kaia. My name is kiara. i like seeing your pictures. i'm 4 like you.
what is your favorite color?
love KIARA love

abc said...

that's great news.
man, your family seems amazing!
the pictures are great.

HeatherC said...

Praise God.... we are so thrilled to hear your news!

barnettblend said...

I am so glad that everything went well... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey!! So you know we have been praying for you guys for like ever right? Has it seriously been 2 years? It can't be. I think we started blogging in the middle there somewhere. Anywho, this is amazing and I am so thankful for this news. I am going to cut and paste (since I have you guys on my prayer list) so YAY!!!! Thanks for the update. I love days like this. Tell D hi for me. Woo hoo.