Tuesday, May 27, 2008

phrase of the day #1

i've decided to start doing a "phrase/word/comment of the day" (not every day necessarily, only for the really random/funny stuff) series since it seems like kaia and leia are both really saying a lot of funny things for a while now and i think it'll be really funny for us and them to look back at when we're older. so, here's the first one:
we just got home from dinner and i asked kaia to go get her "jammies" on and she comes out of her room with this book saying, "mama, it looks like he has poop in his hat" (the poor innocent dwarf at the top with the purple hat). i don't know why she'd think that...it was so random. i guess since we talk about things like that pretty freely...that's what we get.
this new "series" is gonna be interesting...i'll just apologize now. :)

1 comment:

Jacinda said...

Oh, I love phrase of the day! Great idea. I just adore what kids come up with. Sometimes it seems so out of left field! They are kind of weird hats!