Wednesday, May 14, 2008

this works...

i went in to go check on the girls last night and this is what i saw...
leia's been getting out of her bed a lot the last few weeks and our sleep has been pretty broken up, so we've been exhausted. last night when we were tucking them in...i was giving leia hugs and kisses good night and every time i pulled away, she threw her arms around my neck and said "mo tisses" (more kisses), so i'd give her more and then she'd say "mo huds" (more hugs). it was really cute but i think it was also her way of not having to go to bed yet. oh well, it worked and i loved it. then when we told them a final good night and went out to watch t.v., we heard a little pitter patting of her feet around the corner and into the family room with us, so derek put her back in bed and again...pitter pat...there she was again. derek put her back in bed for the 2nd time and told her to stay in bed...a few minutes we hear the girls singing together. it was so cute & as long as they're in bed...sing away!!! little did i know that they were having a little slumber party in kaia's bed. they looked so cozy and comforted laying there with each other. hey...whatever keeps them sleeping...i'm all for it. we weren't about to risk waking her up to move her! :)


Jacinda said...

Okay your girls melt my heart. When I saw the picture I said "Awwwww" out loud. Hey, whatever works. I don't think I would have moved her either. This is confirming my emotion of wanting my girls to share a room. Just for moments like that. Precious.

HeatherC said...

SO darn cute! I would never have moved her either. Sleep is a precious commodity around here!!!