Tuesday, March 17, 2009

it's about time!

okay, let's see if i remember how to do this...i haven't really blogged about anything besides my belly in a long time. oh, and sorry about the "starting to blog last night and stopping with the title" thing i did...i stopped "for a second" (i thought) to go watch Dancing with the Stars real quick and fell asleep right after it was over. it was a long day.
SO...we went to disneyland yesterday for the first time since we were the during Christmas season. 3 months is a long time when you have annual passes! anyways, the girls deserved a fun day, they've been such good sports lately while i've been feeling sick. we all had a lot of fun, but we totally didn't think about the fact that it's spring break for a lot of people, so it was kinda crowded but not too bad. the only line that took a while was the Peter Pan ride, but we can't go to d.l. and skip that one. it's leia's favorite and while we were in line kaia decided that now she wants to marry Peter Pan. the girl can't make up her mind *roll eyes*. :)
we shoulda taken our family pic at the beginning of the day (not right before we left)...look how tired i look! (and notice how not-tired leia looks. that girl's got energy)!

they LOVE the horsey's! :)
what a silly little face...oh yeah, and Happy St. Patty's Day.

my loves.


kellieacosta said...

i don't get it?!?!?

Anonymous said...

For you to have twins? Yay! I am so happy for all of you!

MEGAN said...

I love the girls' outfits!

Anonymous said...

I am still voting on twins.

cristine said...

Leia is hamming up the camera! I am glad you are back :)