4 weeks or 4 months?
okay, i don't usually start taking belly pics this early...usually i start around 3 months. but, i had to get record of this. i'm only four weeks along and look at that bump...this wasn't even here last week! and it was bigger last night, but i was too tired to get my lazy self off the couch to take a pic. at this rate, i'm gonna be one big, uncomfortable preggo lady by the summer. did i mention that the summer's here get up to 110* or so. oh boy!
Wow! Congrats Shannon-it's so exciting. You're belly is beyond cute already :)
such an adorable belly! keep growin', baby! we love you already. :)
Thank you so much for leaving me the news on my blog since I've been so behind. Congratulations! I was freaking out when I read! I was wondering when it would happen...How were the girls reactions? And I know how it feels to see your stomach stretching so early the third time around, but seriously you look awesome! How are you feeling?
hey j~the girls were very excited (leia's a little confused...she kept saying things like, "is nicole in your tummy?" (my sister's new baby) or, "is caleb in your tummy?" (my nephew). i think she kinda understands now that there's a brand new baby that she's never met in there. :)
so far i'm feeling good, usually i start getting queasy around month 2 (but, so far i've had really easy pregnancies)...we'll see how this one goes.
how are you feeling? getting uncomfortable yet?
show off.....no stretch marks.....ugh! I'm trying to still love you:)
whatever shan, there is no bump- that's the craziest thing i've ever heard of! :) and you never get big when you're pregnant...you just get this cute little bump and your babies are little. mine just popped out about 2 weeks ago- it seemed like it was overnight.
i remember my first sign of a bump. I thought 'is this a baby...or am i just really bloated?' -- i didn't start showing until i was 5 month preg and then one day i exploded : ) congrats. third time's a charm I hear.
umm, i am just jealous of your zero stretch marks! none w/my first and the second did me in!
Hello little baby!!! I love being able to pray for you and your growing family. So fabulously cool. So yay!! You are a rock star and I am so excited that you posted this. Thank you.
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