Tuesday, July 29, 2008

comment of the day #3 (i think):

as you all probably know, we had a decent sized earthquake here in SoCal today (BTW, derek and i think it's kinda funny how people are over reacting a little). anyways, it happened while kaia was at vacation bible school this morning. it was a pretty good sized one (a 5.4), but i really didn't think there was anything to worry about. just in case, i called the church where kaia was to make sure the kids there were okay & they told me that everyone was fine, but i still couldn't help but wonder if kaia was scared. i think every earthquake we've experienced since we've had kids happened while they were sleeping, so it was kinda like kaia's 1st one. i left a little early to go pick her up & when i saw her, i expected her to tell me something to the effect of the fact that an earthquake had taken place...no, nothing. so, i decide to ask her, "so, kaia, did you feel the earthquake?" she calmly replies, "yes". i ask her, "so, were you scared?" and she says, "no, i just thought it was a giant walking outside". hmmmmm...pretty brave girl, if i thought there was a giant outside making a 10-15 second rumbling sound, i don't think i would have been so calm about it.


Anonymous said...

ai-yai's so tute.

Anonymous said...

that's awesome. i've never been scared of earthquakes- my brother and i always slept through them and my mom would run in and wake us up. we were at home, and it wasn't very strong here, but it was loud because our single pane windows shook a lot. the boys probably would have ignored it if i hadn't said, "oh, it's an earthquake" and picked them to stand in the doorway. it has been a long time- but it was good because it made me think about what the best thing to do would be in our house, in case of a big one.

bennett baby blog said...

she's so brave!

Jacinda said...

I love it! Seriously what's scarier?