Wednesday, July 02, 2008

i couldn't believe my eyes...

i'm back, we've been without internet since yesterday morning...that was a LONG day and a 1/2! anyways...
okay...for those of who who are "poop-aphobic" , DON'T scroll down to the 2nd picture. i had to do it! leia was on the potty this morning while i was drying my hair and she gets up and says "yook" (look), so i look down expecting to see nothing in the potty or pee and my eyes almost popped out of my head. she actually pooped in the potty...after only 2 days of getting the little potty out. i don't know if she meant to do it or what, but she did it. i really hope she's gonna continue to be this easy because starting on monday, we're gonna do the "stay-at-home-all-day-with-no-diaper-thing". i'm gonna get the little training panties out so she'll know if/when she has an accident and get the feel for it. wish us luck. sorry, for those of you who i just grossed out or bored to death. ;)

see, here is her little potty "station"...we got the little potty out (BTW...she is very proud to announce that it is her potty as she points to it pretty much every time she sits on it) "potty time" and "my big girl potty" books, her little stool in front of the sink so she can wash her hands (which she loves to do) and her stickers and sticker chart (1 sticker for pee and 2 for poop). as of tonight, she has 10 pee-pee stickers and 1 poop set of stickers...yay!

WARNING (scroll down at your own risk!):
i promise this will be the last of the potty training blog posts i'll do until she's totally potty trained (i think).


bennett baby blog said...

i can't wait until she's 16 and looks back at the time when she posed next to her poop. tooooo funny!! :) great job, lei lei!

m&m family said...

Wow, she's an easy one! 10 pee pee's and 1 poop that's great! on the right track. thanks for the picture warning..."coulda keep that one out!" no really i know how proud of a parent, you are right now!

Jacinda said...

Congratulations! What a huge milestone. I could have done with out the poop picture, but it made me smile. I do wish you the best of luck. I was remembering back to potty training Kiara and not super looking forward to the process with Melania. She went potty 2 times on the toilet the other day. We bought pull ups and everything. She had been taking off her diaper and playing in the toilet bowl. Gross. Anyways, she hasn't actually gone since. I'll be think of you of you on Monday. You'll have to do another post. :)

Shan said...

jacinda~i can relate...the first day we put her on the big potty a few days ago (before we got the little potty out), i let go of her for literally 1 second to get something and she fell in the potty. just a little bit, but still enough for her buns to get in...gross! she went straight to the bath.
good luck with melania too. :)