Thursday, July 03, 2008

this made me sad...

i know, i know...i said i wouldn't do another potty training post until she was completely potty trained, but i had to put a picture of leia in her big girl "undies" on here. we're still not gonna have her wear these for real until monday, but i had her try them on today and i'm just not used to seeing her buns in anything but diapers. she looks like such a big girl.

oh, and speaking of being a big girl...her new thing to say is "actually, no" or "actually, yes". like if she thinks she has to go potty, she'll run toward the bathroom screaming "i'm yeaking (leaking)!" she says that instead of saying "i have to pee or poop". then, she'll sit on the potty and if nothing happens after a couple of minutes, she'll say, "actually, no". what... actually! i guess i must say that a lot so she picked up on it, but she sounds so grown up.


Jacinda said...

I knew you couldn't resist! But I'm glad. Cute booty!

cristine said...

She is growing up too fast! :) Stop by on Sunday so that I can congratulate all of you!

Anonymous said...

by the sounds of how easy and fast this is going, i'm feeling a bit jealous. max was tough. it had to have been at least 6 months into training before he went poop on the potty. way to go leia.

Shan said...

kris~i know...kaia was tough too, that's part of the reason we're starting earlier with leia. i've heard it's usually easier if you start closer to 2 than 2 1/2 or 3 (which is what we did with kaia since leia was due when kaia was 2 1/2, i had friends tell us to wait until she was born 'cuz kaia would just regress...i should have ignored that advice) because the older they get, the more stubborn they get and fight it more. so far, i know what they mean.

this morning, when leia woke up, she ran straight to the potty and didn't want her diaper back on! so, i just put her little undies on & she was perfectly fine with that. i guess i'm getting a break since kaia was's balancing out. :)

abc said...

my brother used to say, "actually" all the time when he was younger.. when we were younger cuz he is older by 16 months but still. it was fun! we have video tapes of him saying it.

m&m family said...

how cute she looks. that's funny because i remember noah saying those words too...there such big words for's so cute!!