Monday, October 20, 2008

just one of the big kids...

i just love this picture...we went to brantley's (a little boy from kaia's class) Pirate birthday party yesterday and leia was one of the only little siblings that went and she could care less. she has NO idea that everyone else is bigger than her. she just sat her little self down right in the middle of the crowd to watch the "pirate" they hired to entertain the kids. and i love how she's sitting indian style (or, criss cross applesauce as she likes to call it :).


Joanna said...

So cute! Yeah, indian style is SO not pc anymore! :) When I was teaching one of the other teachers at my school got in trouble for saying it. Now you HAVE to say criss cross applesauce. Goofy if you ask me.

Unknown said...

soooo focused