Tuesday, June 03, 2008

comment of the day #2

kaia's been asking a lot of questions lately about when she gets married. this morning she climbed in bed with us and asked, "you and daddy are gonna stay here when i get married and i'll go to gavin's house, right mama?" see...she's pretty sure she gonna marry gavin some day (i don't know if gavin's aware of this yet). in fact the other day when we were at papa & nema's house, she was talking about "when she gets married......" and nema asked her, "you're gonna marry gavin, right?" and she says, "yea.....(pause)...i think so". it was so funny like she's keeping her options open, but he's a good candidate.
but the "comment of the day happened when i was taking her to pre-school this morning. out of no where, she says, "mama, i'm gonna miss my baby sister when i get married". it was so sweet. i just told her that maybe she could live next door to leia when they're older.
by the way...i have NO idea why all the "marriage talk" is happening lately, i really don't encourage her to think about getting married yet. anyone else's kids already talking about this stuff?


bennett baby blog said...

gavin is so cute, i can see why she would choose him! he would be a great husband but i think they're a bit too young for that! :)

HeatherC said...

What good in-laws we'd be!!!! Your daughter does have good taste if I do say so myself! :)

Jacinda said...

Yes. Kiara always tells me, "When I'm a mom..." The endings are always different and really funny. It's usually "I'll have a dog," or "I'll live next to Grandma and Grandpa" I wish I could remember the rest. It's funny because it's not to be mean, but her response are normally something I don't do! On the upside, when asked what she wants to do when she grows up, she said be a mommy. I must be doing something right. Keep up your comments of the day. loving it! I may be copying you!

Unknown said...

It seems to be a Busy Bee thing. It is all the MWF Crew talks about. I have only heard the kids in Kaia" class talk about it a few times.