angel face
i took this picture of kaia after she fell asleep the other night. she fell asleep on the couch while derek and i were watching Ultimate Fighter (no we don't let her watch that with us, she was already almost out when we turned it on). anyways, derek looked down at her and says, "look babe, you would never think by looking at this face that she would ever be difficult" (or something to that effect). you see, kaia's going through a number of "phases", we'll call 'em. we're calling them phases, cuz we hope that some of the stuff she's doing right now will pass...SOON. some of her difficult times start early in the she's putting her socks on. i know a lot of kids don't like this, the sock seam! why would they ever make sock with seams on kids socks??? the other day, we were at kaia's dance class and she had her tights on (which also have seams!) and she wouldn't
put her ballet shoes on cuz the seam wasn't just perfect & nothing i did made it better! so after a couple of minutes trying to fix it, i walk over to the front desk, grab the scissors, walk back over to kaia, stretch her foot part of her tights where they're off her foot and proceed to cut off the foot part of her tights. just made them into footless tights, why didn't i think of that earlier (okay, i had a little help thinking of that idea from one of the other moms)...she happily put on her ballet shoes and trotted into dance class 2 seconds later. yea, we got a few laughs. BUT, you can't do that with socks...that would defeat the whole purpose! so, aunite kimmy was asking me what the girls want for Christmas and i just told her "seamless socks for Kaia...Nordstroms has 'em!" anyways...i'll stop there, this isn't a "complain about my daughter" entry...she's a good girl, we're just having a few issues right now. i just thought it was funny what derek said about how peaceful she looks when she's sleeping. :)
I'm so laughing out loud....Daeden (5) is the same way...and it always seems to be a big deal either in front of other people or when we're try not to make a big deal about it....but the way he carries on you'd think someone was killing him....just know that you don't suffer alone....:)
I was that way when I was little-only with EVERYTHING. I couldn't wear jeans until I was around 10 years old and my skin sort of...toughened up a bit. I remember spending around 10 minutes each morning trying to get my socks in the right position and if they weren't, I'd be thinking about how uncomfortable they were all day. My parents thought I was exaggerating and that I was just being picky or needy but they really were as physically uncomfortable as I said they were. I'm fine now, I don't even think about it. Glad to know that other kids had this problem though.
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