Friday, November 23, 2007

2nd trip to Urgent care with Leia in 2 weeks!

i promise...we're not abusing this poor girl, but, yes we were at urgent care again tonight. my poor baby, we were walking into a restaurant tonight before we were attempting to go to the Festival of Lights downtown. well, as we were walking in to the restaurant, i was holding leia's hand & for some reason, she tried to pull away from me very suddenly and after that, she just wouldn't stop crying (not at all like her). we noticed that she wouldn't use her left arm & after about 15 minutes of crying, we decided that something was really hurting her. so, we get our food to go & off to the hospital we go, again! i was thinking, "they're gonna think that we beat her!" so, we get there and i couldn't believe one was in the waiting room, so we check in and as soon as we put the paper in the slot, like three groups of people come in...whew! so we go in & literally with in 1 minute, the doctor comes in, asks what happened, so i explain. he proceeds to start examining her, starting with her collar bone feeling his way to her shoulder. then i tell him, "it seems like it's either her shoulder or wrist that hurts". by this time he had moved down to her elbow and tells us, "nope, it's her elbow". he then does a quick movement and says, "her elbow was out of socket and i just put it back, she's fine". just like that, in a matter of 30 seconds! he said that it was very common in babies (and kids)'s called nursemaid's elbow & that if a child ever throw him/herself to the ground, just let them fall (as long as you're in a safe spot)...don't try to pull them up cuz most likely this will happen. she was almost instantly felling a lot better, it's still a little tender, though. i think i embarrassed the doctor cuz i told him that i wanted to hug him...i was just SO thankful that he was able to make her feel better & that it wasn't that serious and didn't have to get X-rays.

the funny thing is, that, we were still able to
barely make it to the Festival of we walked up to the spot we stood to watch the fireworks and the Christmas lights turn on, they instantly started the countdown. that was a close one!


barnettblend said...

This happened to Kaia when she was 4 or 5 months old - on her wrist. My mom knows how to put it back in though(from numerous times of it happening to the kids) so she talked me through it and it's like instant relief when it goes back in. They just stop crying completely. I am so much more careful now. I know - I felt like such a bad mother. :(

Anonymous said...

Another this happened to us story... but seriously, last year Ethan was hanging on a bar like monkey bars and all the sudden started crying... to us seemingly nothing happened! Well for TWO days he wouldn't use his arm, we tried everything (even threatening trouble to get over it because NOTHING happened) Finally, Matt took him to urgent care (begrudgingly I might add, but don't tell him I said that:) Same thing, it had dislocated and to top it off... while resetting it, they cracked his bone and it was broken and he had to be casted for a month. It has happened two more times... now we (Matt I mean of course) had to learn how to reset it at home (yippie, that's fun... NOT) luckily, it hasn't happened in several months. It sucks though, no swinging between us or helicopter, and I have to stop everyone from yanking him up by his arms.

Oh yeah, and hello by the way:)

Shan said...

hi tammy, wow...they actually broke his arm?!? i would have punched the doctor i think! j/k, i know all he was trying to do was fix it, but still! and, so it IS more prone to happening again? i asked the doctor about that & he said, "nope, it's back to normal!" great, i guess we won't be touching her arm until she's about 5 years old. :)

Shan said...

hi tammy, wow...they actually broke his arm?!? i would have punched the doctor i think! j/k, i know all he was trying to do was fix it, but still! and, so it IS more prone to happening again? i asked the doctor about that & he said, "nope, it's back to normal!" great, i guess we won't be touching her arm until she's about 5 years old. :)

pearmama said...

This happened to Diego TWICE. It was horrible. I just knew something was wrong when he was laying like a hurt puppy, all whimpering and stuff. I had to take him to Parkview Emergency (ghetto!) at about 11 o'clock at night--with a two month old because my husband was at work! I felt like a bad mother, seriously! The second time he popped it out himself, from hanging on the jungle gym. You want to hear something freaky, I placed it back in myself! I watched the doctor when he did it so I tried it myself and it worked. Xixi also hurt her arm a few months ago. I was Dr. Mom again and saved us a trip to urgent care, which would thankfully be Kaiser this time around.