something about cold weather?
i don't cook much. i don't know why, i guess i just like to eat out more than i like to cook. however, i DO want my kids to grow up with me cooking for them (and derek too). i DO feel good when i cook, i can see that they enjoy staying home and eating now and then too & that they appreciate it when i do cook for them. something i can't figure out though is...why is it that i don't like cooking much during the hot weather months and as soon as it gets below 70* (yes, that's cold to me), all of a sudden i feel like cooking again and the dinner ideas start coming to me. maybe it's that i don't know how to cook a lot of things... i guess i should take a cooking class (maybe i should have asked heather to teach me how to cook before she moved to atlanta...j/k, kinda). maybe it's that turning on a hot oven or stove when it's 110* outside doesn't really appeal to me. maybe i like the house feeling nice and warm and cozy in the winter & somehow cooking makes the house feel cozier...or maybe i just don't like being cold, so i'd rather stay in. i don't know. all i know is that we have eaten chipotle WWWAAAYYY more than i've cooked this year. i'm not proud of that fact, but it's true. anyone else have similar cooking moods?
well I can relate...which does not pose well for my current situation. besides the ALWAYS warm temp - (I mean PERFECT temp...still thinking about coming out here?)-we have no fridge or stove AND no such thing as a 24hr supermarket (or even 12 hour!) So fortunately (or unfortunately) we have no Chipotle, or anything close, so no temptations. Basically you have all the cards stacked against you (or for you...!) did any of that make sense?!?
-probably just phases with the whole cooking thing. i go through that .
Was that the inspiration for the recipe exchange?
I guess I go through phases. For periods of time I enjoy cooking and laying out a family meal each night and then I go through the "I can't stand cooking" times. Summer would be that season for me too. I just love eating outside at a restaurant among all the action on a warm evening.
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