Friday, November 17, 2006

Dance fever...

well, today was kaia's first dance lesson, we had to wait till she was 3 to sign her up, so 2 days later...well, she's officially "a dancer". We weren't sure if she was gonna listen to the teacher, or get bored , or push the other girls around (which she's been known to do). She didn't do any of the stuff she shouldn't have done, she listened to the teachers very well, did everything she was supposed to and didn't get bored 1/2 way through...she danced the whole hour! we got her her 1st pair of tap shoes, ballet shoes, leotard (purple with a butterfly and a little sheer skirt attached, she picked it out herself), and pink tights...she's all set.
of course, i was the mom that had her camera out snapping pics off and on the whole time...the other "normal" moms probably thought i was nuts, oh well, what's new?
check 'em out...


Amy said...

Kaia is SO cute :). It is just so sweet to see her in her dance outfit, with all the other girls! I told Clare she could dance when she turns 5, but these adorable photos make me wonder if I can wait that long!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for coming last night. it meant so much to have you guys there. Plus losiah got an awesome blanket. Thanks so much. Oh the staff party is the 5th so do you think we can do dinner the 12th. let me know. H
Ps i am flying over the pacific right now. isnt that crazy!

Anonymous said...

She's already such a great dancer - she's even got rhythm! I can't WAIT for her first recital!! She looks beautiful in her outfit (as usual). :)