i'm upstairs blogging and derek's downstairs on his computer working and you could hear a pin drop. anyways... both of the girls are officially in some sort of school. today was leia's first day & she was so cute this morning getting ready. first of all, last night, i asked her what she wants me to make her for breakfast in the morning and she told me "mickey mouse pancakes", just like kaia had on her 1st day of school. then, she went upstairs to get dressed in the outfit she picked out last night (she already...and has for months, has to pick out ALL of her own clothes), she didn't go along with what i was trying to get her to wear, she was set on this dress. so, hey...pick your battles, right? i think i'll insist on picking out what she wears for picture day, but until then, i don't really care.
then, she had to bring a backpack (since she sees kaia take a backpack to school) & last friday, her teacher told her that she can bring any toys she wants to put in her cubby...so, off she was to load up her backpack. here's what it consisted of: a plastic toy piece of pizza, a plastic waffle, 3 leggo's, a barrett, her stuffed animal dog (of course) & a sweater that i put in there in case she got cold. she was SO proud of her treasures. i told her "go show daddy what you're taking to school", 'cuz it was so cute and as she was showing him, i could see her sitting on the floor unzipping her backpack and for some reason that made me tear up. i was fine dropping her off at school, but justr watching her show derek all her treasures she SO carefully chose to put in her bag made me cry a little. oh, those ol' hormones again! ;)
so, she was SO ready to head off for school & we drop kaia off 1st & she said, "i want you guys to take ME first"...needless to say, she didn't have any "separation issues". when we got to her classroom, she immediately got to work...some little plastic people on a table caught her attention & if we hadn't gone over to her and knelt down to give her a hug & a kiss goodbye, she would have never known we left.
to say she had a great day is an understatement...she said "i love my school!" i'm kinda sad (for her) that it's only 2 days a week cuz she's not gonna be happy when we drop kaia off tomorrow & head back home instead of taking her to school. i'm sure she'll be very busy VERY soon helping me with the baby though. :)
anyways, enjoy the pics...
and...here she is outside her "bouncing bunnies" classroom, little miss independent!
1 comment:
Happy 1st day of school, Leia!! I love you!!!!!
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