Monday, November 17, 2008

our Saturday...

okay, so kaia's "real" birthday was on saturday so our busy day started as soon as the girls woke up (which was VERY early, as usual)....and, yes, i still had the flu pretty bad. :(
leia helped her open the gifts from us. she was very helpful...

then, she had her last soccer game (here's kaia and fiona...her friend, ari's little sis)
then, we went to lunch (at chipotle, of course :), and yogurt...yum!
then, we went out to dinner and came back home (to papa & nema's) house to have some cake...
leia takes her cake eating very seriously! :)
here's leia and "bubba"...
oh...can't you just see how bad i felt from this pic? nice.

happy birthday my sweetheart...i can't believe you're 5. let's make this next year go a little slower, okay baby. :)

p.s.~gone are the days where you can just be sick when you feel sick, huh?


HeatherC said...

happy 5th birthday big girl!

Vanessa said...

What a fun day (except for the being sick part - hope you're feeling better)! I wish we had a Chipotle here. :(