Wednesday, February 27, 2008

meeting 1/2 way

my friend malena moved to Orange County a few months ago and we said when they moved, we're gonna make sure we meet half way for lunch/play dates a lot. so far, we're doing pretty good about seeing eachother pretty often still. we were supposed to go to annie's and noah's birthday parties this month, but due to having the horrible flu, we weren't able to go to either of their parties. so anyways, today we drove out to meet eachother at this yummy deli and afterwards we went to a great park. it was so clean, safe, and so fun for the kids. they had a great time & malena and i got to catch up a little. we really bring out the ditz in eachother, but it's always fun hanging out...we're very similar and even when we don't know what we're talking about, the other one does. i love it... it's so nice just being able to be myself and not think too hard now and then! :) hmmm, that came out wrong i think.

i can't complain about the weather today at all, it was a perfect 83*!!!


m&m family said...

Your comment ia so true about the ditz in us!! Oh well it's always funny though!HaHa See you guys soon?

cristine said...

They look so big now! Lets do another lunch sometime! :)