Saturday, December 01, 2007

i got tagged!

i got tagged by cristine.
she is one of the teachers in leia's sunday school class at our church. leia loves her...
anyways, here are 10 things about me that a lot of people don't know (this is gonna be hard not to repeat some of the things that i put on my "shannon-ism's" blog entry i did last year when i first started blogging. let's see...

1. i'm related to one of the backstreet boys, howie d. (we're like 2nd cousins...he's my grandma's sisters grandson or something like that) & no, i've never met him.

2. i think i have a light case of OCD...i write lists so i don't forget things a lot and double & triple check to see if i turned off the oven, stove, flat iron, etc.

3. me and one of my best friends, kellie, went skydiving in santa barbara for our birthday's back in august 2000.

4. i got my first tattoo last summer while we were in hawaii.

5. on Thanksgiving Day one year (when we were teenagers) i had to give my sister, michelle, the Heimlich Maneuver when she choked on her meat cuz we were laughing at worked! :)

6. i like mowing the lawn. i even mowed it when i was like 9 months pregnant (along with digging holes for our citrus trees...i guess you can say i had nesting instinct).

7. between the ages of 16 and up until having kids, i've had more jobs than i can count. one of my favorite jobs was working at a tanning was fun!

8. before derek and i started dating, i bought his 1st guitar from him and learned a few songs...all of the only had 2 or 3 chords (needless to say, he got his guitar back! :))

9. i LOVE bargain shopping, whether it's at Ross, Marshalls, garage sales or the swap meet/salvation army/goodwill...and i'm REALLY good at it (and if you read my other post from last year, you know what happens often when i'm excited about finding deals!)

10. i went to cosmetology school (and finished it) right before i moved to california and have never worked in a salon because to work here you have to have 1700 hours (i think) and in texas it's only 1500 hrs...and also it's really hard to find a salon where the other stylists aren't gossippy and REALLY negative...maybe someday?!?

okay...let's see. i'm gonna tag kellie, kimmy, kristen, heather and malena :)

1 comment:

barnettblend said...

#5 is crazy - I can't believe it worked - I mean it's one of those things that you're never sure if it'll work or not.