Tuesday, December 18, 2007

no stage fright here!!!

today was kaia's Christmas program at her pre school and it was so cute! she was so funny...during the 30 minute program, in between songs, she talked to us as if she was just singing at home or something. the funniest thing she kept saying was when she started asking nema, (derek's mom who was about 6 rows back)...very loudly, "hey, nema, did you bring grapes?" papa and nema always have some kind of fruit at their house and i guess kaia thought she would have some with her. she also shook her jingle bell that her teacher handed her and said, "this one's too quiet." and exchanged it for a "louder" one (i'm sure it was the exact same volume). it was so fun to watch...

here's kaia looking for nema...
she found her!

here's kaia just being kaia! :)

here she is with the "new-and-improved" bell...

leia LOVES going to pick kaia up from her classroom!

1 comment:

m&m family said...

These pictures make me sad. Especially knowing that Kaia and Annie would have been going to school together. I sometimes really miss fumps.It was such a great school.Well it makes me happy to know Kaia enjoys it as much as Annie did.