Tuesday, February 20, 2007

silly us...

so, i've been trying to organize/spring clean/throw out/PACK for the move. only 9 days away. and under our bed i came across our body pillows that we made back in our "young and in love college days"...we are still in love, just not as young now. :) it didn't seem as wierd at the time as it does now, but we decided to make derek-shannon body pillows that we could cuddle with at night. it was "safer" that way. hmmm,hmmm. anyways, we parted with them this weekend, but not before we snapped a quick pic of them. of course.


Anonymous said...

ha ha... that is so awesome... it's totally something Derek and i would do because we're weirdos. i am seriously laughing out loud.

pearmama said...

Those poor pillows. The stories they could probably tell!