Monday, February 05, 2007

my hula girl

today kaia had her first hula lesson...

i know i put a lot of pics up, but i wanted you to get the full effect!


Anonymous said...

Were you teaching it? I have always wanted to learn how.

Shan said...

no, we took her to a hula hulau in town here. i really don't have any hula experience unless you count the 10 minute lesson derek's cousin gave us at derek's sisters wedding for a dance we did there....when i was pregnant with kaia (that's a funny mental picture, huh.) :)

pearmama said...

When I was about five, my mom and dad put me in a hawaiian dance class. I vividly remember the poi balls we had to learn to dance with. On the night of my big performance, my mom made my sarong out of this red hawaiian print material. For my top, mom folded this bandanna size piece of material and then tied it at the back. During the performance, my top rolled down! I was soooo embarrassed. Even though they were only five year old boobs, I was still mortified! I have a couple of cool pictures of me at the time. Maybe I should post them.

Thank you for offering clothes! Do you think you can lug it to church on sunday? I am usually at the 11 oclock service. So is Renee. The little girl was wearing a 24 months. Oh, you wanna hear something that sucks. She was FILLED with lice. Ugh. I have never seen lice before, so I thought she had dandruff or something. Turns out she was infested with it. And she was laying on my daughter's bed, she fell asleep with my son's blanket, etc. *sigh* Suddenly I am feeling very itchy. I checked all my kids already, everybody looks okay. Tomorrow I am having my mom check my hair! Apparently she is a lice professional.

Denise C.

Shan said...

denise~ hilarious hula story. you should post the pics, i bet they're adorable.

...that poor baby had lice, bless her heart. :( i hope no one else got it.
anyways, check your blog about the baby clothes. :) ~S

Anonymous said...

Shannon, if you would bring them that would be great. Thank you so much!

Denise C.