Saturday, December 05, 2009

until we meet again...

well, the time has come...our d-land passes expire in a few days, so we went one last time yesterday. i'm sure we'll renew our passes again, but i think we'll wait until the baby's 1 or so. i have to say, it was a great "grand finale" the girls went on a lot of rides (which doesn't always happen when the lines are too long) & leia went on the Matterhorn for the first time. she was SO proud of herself...she kept saying, "can you believe i'm tall enough?!" we didn't realize that you only have to be 35" tall, we thought it was 40". she's been tall enough for a while. oops, at least we realized that yesterday before the passes expire. she LOVED it! and, the baby had her 1st Santa pic (ans Mrs. Clause pic :).
enjoy the pics...


MEGAN said...

it's a sad day when the passes end : (
I haven't been to disneyland in over 2 years.

Vanessa said...

Wanted to stop by and let you know I'm drinking a Chick-fil-A arnold palmer and loving it! Thanks for the suggestion.

Shan said...

megan~i know!
vanessa~aren't they the BEST, i look forward to those more than food...well, almost. :)