Thursday, January 10, 2008

major blonde moment!

i got a few highlights a few weeks ago so my hair would look like i did something to help it look nice for my sisters wedding...i think the bleach soaked in a little too much. today i had a really ditzy thing happen. we wake up around 7:45, which is sleeping in around our house (not by choice, i would sleep until 9:00 every day if my girls let me & if kaia didn't have pre-school that starts at 9:00). i proceed to make the girls some breakfast, look at the clock...see that it's a little after 8:00 (1 hour away from when kaia's pre-school starts). this is when something got mis-calculated in my head...i think, "wow, we have SO much time before we have to leave". i start putting their new toy box together, slowly get myself ready for the day, go in the girls' room with them to get their clothes ready...etc. we leave the house at 9:30... (for some weird reason i still think it's 8:30, with a lot of time to spare). i drive nice and slow toward her school, by the time we get close we're still 15 minutes "early", so we take a drive down memory lane past our old house that is 2 blocks from the school...still being 10 minutes early (i thought)...i absent-mindly look at the clock and (kinda see that it's 9:50 and think, "i'll call my mom and sister since we have some spare time...if it's almost 10:00 here, it's almost 12:00 san antonio time. great, i might be able to catch them on their lunch breaks). i call my mom. no answer, so i begin to leave her a voice mail..."hi mom, i thought i'd give you a call since it's almost 10:00 here, i thought i'd..............WHAT, it's almost 10:00 here!!!) call me later, bye.
yes, kaia was an hour late to school, which isn't a big deal...but, i couldn't believe what a ditz i felt like. please tell me someone else has done something like that before!!!


Whittaker Woman said...

I love it. I feel like I have done that before. I hope you are good. H

Jenn said...

well i am right there with ya. yesterday I was at bible study and i knew that my friend leah would want to see London. I was talking to a friend, so I thought I would put bubba down and tell him to go say hi to leah. UMMM..only one problem. London can't walk. He can't even crawl. DUHH.


cristine said...

Im glad you didnt forget about lunch! I had a great time. Thanks!!

Shan said...

you guys made me feel better & we had a great time too! see ya sunday~S

Anonymous said...

you crack me up. we miss you guys. max turns 3 in a few weeks; we're planning a little party in our new house and would love for you guys to come! i'll email you this week- or call (if the boys give me a chance too). love to you all.