Monday, January 21, 2008

loved it!

derek and i went to see "Juno" on Saturday. i heard so many great reviews about it, but reviews don't mean a lot to me cuz everyone has a different opinion & i usually have to just go see a movie for myself if i think it looks good. so we went, and it was so good. for so many different reasons, i don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to see it & hasn't yet...but, go, cuz it's great!
p.s.~i'll just say this...if a movie makes you cry, it usually means it's a good one & this one did.


elaine said...

Ya know I was debating about this movie, but thought it would be good. Michael has like 3 movies that are more "important" than my girlie movies, haha.

Anonymous said...

i am such NOT a movie person...1. because they are so much money these days 2. there is rarely anything made that i want to see bad enough to pay that kind of money 3. haven't had any babysitter options until now 4. i would choose to do something else for a date night 5. we don't even rent them because our kids go to bed late and i can't keep my eyes open to watch them. yes, i'll even fall asleep in a theatre 6. we even have HBO with DVR now and have recorded some great movies and i haven't been able to stay up late enough to watch one yet!!
BUT...this one looks like a winner...i really want to see it!

HeatherC said...

It does look good. Did Derek like it as much as you or was it more of a chick flick?

Shan said...

derek really liked it was between this and cloverfield, so we decided to see Juno on saturday and cloverfield in a couple of weeks. so, when it was over derek said that he was glad we saw this one. it had some chick flick-ness to it, but not too much. you guys should go see it!

cristine said...

You should definitely see Cloverfield!! I really really liked it and so has everyone else Ive talked to about it

barnettblend said...

I loved this movie!! I just got back from watching it. It was soooo good. :)

Anonymous said...

All the boyz have seen it and loved it....Rob and I have, yet, to get know how that goes....praying for Kim...

Jacinda said...

oh good. I've been contemplating seeing it. It looks like a good story.