Sunday, June 24, 2007

a wild time...

(sidenote: see, that's what happens when i try to put a clever blog entry sounds cheesy)

anyways...auntie kimmy and uncle john came with us to the san diego wild animal park today and there were quite a few funny moments.

funny moment #1: kaia saw the gorillas and says, "look, uncle john...the corolla's" (instead of gorillas). i guess since derek used to drive a corolla she had that in her head. it was pretty funny.
leia loved the foot massagers, they tickled her feet :)

i love this pic of john and the girls

and of wouldn't be a day at the animal park without kaia in tears (all because she wanted a smoothie and we told her she had to wait until we got to jamba juice). poor kaia!
something else that happened that we didn't get a picture of was when kaia tripped and fell while we were walking down the hill to see the lions and she hurt her knee and her hand so i kissed her owies to make them feel better and through her tears, she wailed,"no mama, that doesn't help". poor baby, i was wondering when she was gonna catch on to that one...that was a first!

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