Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Alana's birth story.

September 23rd started like any other day.  Well, kind of. Very early in the morning (like 2:00 a.m.) Kaia & Leia came and got in bed with us, and I decided if I didn't want to get kicked or pushed to the edge of the bed, I should just go downstairs & sleep on the couch if I wanted to get ANY sleep (I was too tired to deal with getting them back in their beds & I knew that I needed some sleep if I was possibly going to go into labor soon).  I went downstairs & miraculously went back to sleep pretty quickly.  By the time 6:00 rolls around and I had to go pee so I got up & went to the bathroom to see that my mucus plug along with other signs that "things were starting" occurred.  I know that these things can happen and not have labor start for days but I thought I'd at least give Derek a "head's up" that something's possibly happening.
I headed back downstairs to get some cereal to get something in my belly in case labor started, still kinda thinking it wouldn't be anytime real soon.  I probably got 5 minutes into my cereal and as I was emailing a friend back and blogging, I felt what I thought was a light contraction.  At first I thought "surely this couldn't be a 'real' contraction so soon."  So I waited a few more minutes and... there's another one.
I went upstairs again and told Derek "it's starting."  His eyes went from closed to opened real quick! :)  We decided to call Papa Nema to tell them that we're going to drop the girls off.  At about 6:30am we get in the car (after a little 'wardrobe drama' from Leia)  and as we got in the car, I had a contraction and after the 5 minute ride to their house, as soon as we got there, I had another one.  We dropped the girls off and got back in the car, and during the 15 minute drive to the hospital the contractions were coming about every 7 minutes. We exited the freeway, and Derek decided that he needed some breakfast so we made a quick stop at Del Taco (only because it was very close).
We got to the hospital around 7:00am and I felt kinda like we were going to be sent home because my contractions weren't really getting much worse yet.  So, we strolled in and told them my "stats" and at first they kinda looked at me like "you're here way too early" but when I explained to them that my last labor went very fast and that I was strep B+ ad that I'd need IV antibiotics, they proceeded to hook me up to the "contraction/heartbeart monitor."
Sure enough, they were "real" contractions and I was 2-1/2 cm and 80% effaced.  They asked me to walk for an hour to to see if the contractions got any worse and consistent, and they would check me again then too.
So, we walked... and I squatted every 5-6 minutes or so, but the contractions still weren't excruciating.  After we walked from 9:15-10:15 we got back into the room and things started to intensify.  At 10:30am they checked me again and I was "a good 3cm and 100% effaced.  I was officially admitted.
The nurse started to ask me what I was going to want for pain meds and I told her I was going to try to go "med-free" and she looked at me like i was crazy and almost had attitude with me and practically told me I should get an epidural.  Trust me, this was NOT the time to disagree with me.  Brave lady... practically arguing with a lady in full on labor.
Anyways, we kinda ignored her opinion and asked her to just get the IV going since by then it was about 11am.  She got it in and I was starting to hurt quite a bit more.  I asked Derek to make a few phone calls... one of them being Kellie, my best friend in Hawaii (she just finished school for being a Doula so I wanted to give her an update.)  Between contractions I talked to her for a couple of minutes (if that), and I told her that my whole "drug-free" plan wasn't sounding so good anymore & that I'm not feeling as brave anymore.  A bad contraction came so I handed the phone to Derek and he got off the phone with her.
By now it was 11:15am and I started feeling the "butt pressure" and if you don't know what that means... it means "baby's coming now!"  Keep in mind 45minutes before that i was 3cm.
Just then the Dr. came in and i somehow got the words out "I think she's coming, I'm having a lot of pressure!"  she said "were you feeling this before?"  and I, not so camly said "NOT LIKE THIS!"
So they checked me again and said "she's 8cm."  But I knew that last 2cm's were not going to take that long.  Well, it didn't because 30 seconds later i was pushing.  Man, did I push with everything I had.  2 to 3 contractions and about 5-6minutes later, she was here.
My tiny little doll baby came out crying loud and clear.  There is NO feeling like seeing your baby who has been inside you for the last 39 weeks.  Seeing that she's healthy and that the pain is OVER!
It's crazy to think that she wasn't even due until tomorrow...I can't imagine life without her.  It's so great to have her home and seeing her with her big sisters.  We are all so in love with her & so thankful for her. Thank you Jesus.


Anonymous said...

wow, now that is one quick labor! Thanks for filling us all in! Hope you are getting some rest! H

HeatherC said...

Yay for you!!! Great job! (Ooh- was I the one u were emailing??? I think so!) Cant wait to see her :)

bennett baby blog said...

you are the best baby-pusher-outer i know. good job, mama. and thank you, JESUS!

Shan said...

heather...yes, you were the "e-mail friend" i was referring to. haha. :)

Anonymous said...

Dang girl, you know how to get those babies out! My sister and I were talking about you actually and she mentioned how you must have popped her out fast because she noticed there was only a few hours between your blog posts...she was right!

Hope you're getting some rest! :)

ps...my "word verification" on this comment (you know those weird codes you have to type in?) was "alanis"..like "alana." HA! Weird!

JoyTrumpsPerfect said...

Wow--you are one tough cookie! I am so glad things went well for you guys and that she is here!
We are zombies over here, but loving it. Write when you can!!! HUGS!

pearmama said...

Those fast labor's are amazing, aren't they? We can't be sure to trust our own bodies! hehe I love how l & d nurses are so blase about everything...drug peddlers! LOL Glad to see you had a wonderful birth. Your baby is a doll!