Monday, May 24, 2010

kaia's "growing God's Way" school program...

last friday was kaia's school is one of the video's we took.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

trying not to get behind...

okay...i know i've been really bad about blogging lately (at least typing much)'s really starting to turn in to a picture blog & i do intend to come back when i get a chance and write more about the pics i've been posting. but, for now, enjoy the pics from alana's 7th month...
no...she's not really standing (i kinda helped her into this position)...but she is starting to pull herself up a little bit!

also, we introduced the sippy cup a couple of weeks ago...just for fun. :)
she's learning to like her jumper & is actually jumping in it now...

army crawling around the house like crazy...and very close to "real crawling" (gets up like she's gonna crawl & then when she starts to move, she plops back down onto her tummy and starts scooting around)...
once again...i helped her do this for a cute pic...but she looked so proud of herself!
just a couple pics while she was playing in her room...

she's also become fond of her bottle (it's still so weird to see my baby drinking a bottle...that's a first). i'm still pumping as well as nursing to get my milk supply up a little more...and as you can see she likes to hold it herself while i get her dressed or change her diaper :)

just relaxing on the hammock in this beautiful spring weather!