Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"i can see...."

well, we picked up leia's glasses (her "back up pair"...her really cute ones won't be ready for a few more weeks) & she put them on and says, "i can see the wall"...then we went to Costco & she says, "i can see the fans" (way up high on the ceiling)...on & on she went. poor girl, the dr. said she's probably never seen totally clearly so i am SOOO excited for her new vision. but, more importantly, i'm so thankful that her pre-school caught the fact that she was having vision issues so that we can help her "weak eye" to correct itself (actually with Amblyopia, it's training her brain to learn how to make her eye work correctly). okay, well...here's my little doll right after she put on her new glasses seeing clearly. so sweet!


MEGAN said...

I feel the same way when I wear my glasses! She's real cute in them. My 4 1/2 yr. old nephew got glasses recently too, I guess it's hard to catch vision problems when kids are so young!

Jessica said...

I am so thankful for the program to! After reading this I am really excited for Kendra to get her glasses to. Where did you guys get leia's? I am wondering if I should get Kendra a back up pair to?

bennett baby blog said...

she looks great in glasses! she's always so beautiful, glasses or not. glad she can see properly now. :)