Sunday, September 07, 2008

for kimmy...

i don't know if all of you know what a hooter hider is...if not, just click on the handy-dandy link you see there. a little you probably know, my sis-in-law, kimmy (and john) have a 6 month old little boy, caleb. she nurses him in front of the girls with her hooter hider on so she can have some privacy. anyways, i thought this was so, one of the girls put this little piece of cloth (i think it's some doll clothes) on our little Willow Tree "trinket" and we didn't even notice it until we walked by the shelf it's on and leia says, "yook (look), it's like kimmy". i looked at derek and said, "is that supposed to be a hooter hider?" he just nodded. sorry kimmy, kaia and leia don't miss a thing, huh? :)

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