Sunday, September 28, 2008

good ol' traditional soccer pics...

kaia's soccer team had their soccer pictures taken yesterday and yes, i brought my camera too...surprise, surprise! :)
isn't it funny how kaia looks like she has wings :)
you look like a pro!

here's my "version" of the group pic...

here they are waiting in was very HOT and it was only 9:30 in the a.m.! we're ready for fall weather!

here's kaia & her new friend, sophia...

poor little leia is such a good sport...i always feel like she just "tags along" like a good little sister going to all of kaia's activities. she's SO ready to start doing some of her own...don't worry sweetie, in a few months you can start dance...she can't wait!
at least one of the girls on the team has a little sister a little older than she is, so leia has a new little friend too. here are leia and fiona just hanging around (i know....cheesy). :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


i know i'm gonna have people read this blog post and disagree with me, make excuses, possibly not want to come back here, but this is worth it. so far, my blog has pretty much been an "online scrapbook" with pictures of our family for out of state family and friends as well as for us to look back at. i've held back from getting political...but, i can't keep my opinions to myself about this subject...just to let those of you who care to know...i will NOT be voting for Barack Obama. i just watched a video that made my heart pound (still is) and got my adrenaline pumping. i probably shouldn't be blogging about this "compulsively", but i am. anyways, i don't trust Obama and the things he is "for"...i am not. when i saw this video today, it made me sick. i don't understand how anyone could vote for him and have a guilt-free conscience (unless you are pro-abortion. i don't use the term pro-choice, it spins it into a positive). i don't understand why SO many people are acting like he's this wonderful person who's gonna change our country (for the better) if he becomes our president. i just don't get it...that's all. i've heard people say things like, "you can't let your entire decision on who you're voting for depend on your pro-life/pro-abortion opinion". oh yeah...well, i will...that alone is a deal breaker for me. it's unfathomable to me that anyone who has seen their child's sonogram can deny that that's a person who is created in the image of God who has rights and value and life and a purpose and who DID NOT ask to be conceived. i will never forget the day our girl's were born...the way they trusted us with their lives and to see these innocent babies (in the video) left to die alone in a dark utility room breaks my heart. to me, the position that someone takes on the most helpless in our world tells a lot about the way they will make decisions, govern and their general spiritual view point. i can't support someone who thinks of our unborn children as a soul-less mass of tissue.
anyways...i just pray that christians (especially), think really hard before November 4th rolls around, because the choice we make on who we vote for makes a big difference. it is our job to protect these innocent babies.

and i know Obama's gonna have some major questions to answer one day.
i'm not being sarcastic...if you are for Obama, i'd really like to know your reasons.

family night #4: "Bringing Hawaii Home" night..."

we had a really fun family night tonight...since derek went to hawaii last week, we decided to bring hawaii home to us. let's see...we did hula dancing (kinda), we made teriyaki chicken, spam musubi, fruit salad, "beach" jello, shave ice and we even drank out of coconuts (which didn't taste that great). papa, nema, kim, john & caleb came over later for some musubi and banana chocolate chip bread. thanks for sharing family night with us tonight guys. :)


Saturday, September 20, 2008

game day!, i thought i'd just take a few pictures today but i got a little carried away (again :). here are some pics from kaia's first soccer game...but for the most part, kaia did really well...she even made a goal! btw, you know how i was talking about how my mom bribed me with lip gloss...well, the little girl's mom who in charge of the snacks today had a tube of lip gloss in their bag of treats...bribes really do work!
she getting "mentally prepared" for the game (or something like that)...
we had to get a pic with her before the game started!
thank you for coming anutie kimmy, uncle john, caleb (who, as you can see supported kaia with their team spirit wearing the team colors), papa and nema...
yeah butterflies!!!
she started out the game with lots of energy and kicked the ball a lot...
this pic was taken right after she scored a point...look at the little smirk :)

i think 1/2 time was their favorite part of the game...
kaia and her little friend, ari, who is also in her pre-k can't eat these kind of orange slices without doing this, right?!
after 1/2 time...things kinda went downhill. it was getting pretty hot and she didn't like how a little girl on the other team always had the ball. don't you hate when that happens? :) so, i told her, "baby, that's the game, you have to kick it away from her & kick it into the goal"...she didn't like that response...poor girl.
yeah...she was kinda DONE (good thing there was only like 5 minutes left!)
she felt much better after she cooled off...hopefully it will start cooling off soon, for the rest of the games!
leia and nema cheered kaia on!
thank goodness for shave ice afterwards!
much better mood in the car on the way home! :)
good job, my love.

Friday, September 19, 2008

the next mia hamm???

today kaia had her first soccer practice & her first game is tomorrow. she did really good & she loved it...i don't think we have to yell for her to kick the ball tomorrow...she definitely got that down. hopefully she doesn't take after me as a kid. my mom put me and my sister on the same soccer team when i we were about kaia's age...and, we worried more about how many times she cheered for the other one. we also did a lot of pony tail twirling and being oblivious to the fact that the ball was right in front of us multiple times. i think the first time i actually kicked the ball during a game was when my mom bribed us...i think she said if we even tried to kick it, she'd get us lip gloss...hey, it worked! :) you never know, i might have to use that one on kaia :).
yeah...this happened on the way to practice so we missed almost 1/2 of it. thanks again for kim, caleb, tim & elizabeth coming to our rescue. we were out of there in like 10 minutes thanks to tim...
we made it to the practice finally & look how cute kaia and her little team are...
just a few action moments...

...and then, being silly as they helped the coach clean up the cones :)

leia was there to watch kaia practice, but she had to catch up on a few phone calls!
i'll have a bunch more pics tomorrow after the game i'm sure...wish her luck (i mean skill)! oh yeah...the name of her team are the "Butterflies" & the uniforms are orange (her favorite color) and she's #2...she says, "i'm #2 because 1 for me and 1 for leia" (she never forgets her 'lil sis).

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i'm officially a soccer mom...

more on that later...kaia's first game is on saturday!

family night #3: slumber party...kinda

well, since derek's out of town...we thought we'd have a girls night with a slumber party kinda night (not the "staying up all night" part of it, but a lot of the fun "no rules" stuff). not that i wouldn't make derek participate in this girly stuff if he was here :). we put on our jammies & started the night with a facial mask...
as i said...we didn't have rules to go by tonight, so we had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner (don't worry, i made them eat a healthy protein filled breakfast and lunch to counter-act all the sugar they had tonight...see, i was thinking ahead ! :)
kaia said we're having big cookies for dinner? i heard no complaints!
they were all smiles...
then we made pop corn for the movie we watched... (they loved the air popper)!
i love leia's feet in this pic :)
thanks for the new DVD papa & nema...they loved it!
then, for dessert (as if we needed that)...we made banana splits with "banana people" (kaia & leia) having a slumber party...
dig in!
they're NEVER gonna go to sleep tonight (what am i thinking) !

i don't know how many times i've put leia back in bed...i guess it's kinda my fault (oops ;).