Thursday, July 24, 2008

pray for this family

i was about to blog about our day at the circus today (i had just talked to kim and told her about how we saw the aftermath of a horrible car accident on the way and how it took us 3 hours to get back because the police were still taking care of it). we hung up, and i sat down to blog & the phone's kim again telling me that the wreck we saw was Pastor Greg Laurie's 33 year old son & that he died it that accident. he had a wife and a little girl & a baby on the way. i can't begin to imagine what they're going through, but i know that they need prayer. so, i you pray, please do that now.


Joanna said...

Wow. That's awful and really sad. I can't believe you saw it firsthand - that makes it so real. Thanks for sharing - we will be praying for them.

barnettblend said...

I heard about this earlier today.. My mom was really upset.. she was his 2 year old sunday school teacher. I will definitely be praying.

nicole aka gidget said...

so sad... i know how you feel. a few months ago we witnessed the aftermath of a horrible accident where a young couple was driving a couple of missionaries to church, and they both died and so did their young child (later in the hospital). it stayed with me for so long, really affecting me-- I had seen the car seat on the median and it just totally shook me up. it really makes you thankful for the grace to be on the this earth another day. there are no guarantees. I can only pray that God works through this situation mightily for the wife/mother-to-be to Greg Laurie's son. it's so hard, but we have to remember that God has a plan and he will even use a terrible thing like this to bring Himself glory.

abc said...

awww i'm praying for everyone. (hug)